I've been somewhat active in my endeavours, and to prove this I present this assortment of random pictures.
Here's the Titan on his plain base and an elf for scale. |
His tusks are ready, and those pylons of brown stuff are going to be his rocky beard. |
Did a test sculpt for beards for my giants. I'm pleased and will go forwards with this. The other has a scalp sculpted, because no helmets allowed! |
Did bases for my lords, and made sure they rank well. |
Stamp molded some Sylvan Elf basing bits. |
Shadespire miniatures. These will be played in Shadespire and also be unit champions in the 9th Age. |
3D printed Sylvan Elf terrain. |
Double sided stamp mold of a Dark Elf shield, for a friend. |
I think I'm half way there? |
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