perjantai 20. lokakuuta 2023


Look at that, a new post after three years!

Yes, I'm still put off by fantasy miniature games, and yes, this is still about my own game projects.

So, the Space Game project has been on a back burner for a couple of years, but just recently it sparked again! And while I only had a vague resemblance of a foundation before this, the idea-pieces have laid themselves so well against each other, that I now have the proverbial walls and a roof, too!

Big strides have been made during the last year or so, and especially the last week, where I got to play test my framework quickly with a couple of friends. This was also the conduit for me to post here again. 

The New Stuff!

What I now have, is a pretty good frame for the space combat itself, and while it has changed and mutated during its journey, I've always came back and read my original "do's" and "dont's", and tried to guide it back to that direction if needed. And fortunately was it rarely needed.

I will not post any samples of that, because it still is a mess layout-wise. 

What I will post, though, is a bit of my crew member part of the rules. That has come about in this last week really quickly, and while I've not yet have the pleasure to play test it, it really came along just as I though it would. It has all the things I wanted it to have, save for some level scaling issues. My brain is just so exhausted after this week that I really don't have the power to make it happen yet, but I'm positive it will not be that hard of a thing.

Anyway, here is what I have now, pretty much in all its glory. There is a few bits missing from it, and is all around heavily WIP. 

On-site mission rules

And here's an extra piece that I made just before this last week.

Crew members

Let's see if these strides in game design let me also care about this blog here. Hopefully there will be next time, with pictures and all, and not this hastily put togeteher info dump like above.