torstai 1. marraskuuta 2018

Scratch building

Since my Treeman is on hiatus, I've directed my creative juices to other things. This time I got to show a scratch built war machine for my Infernal Dwarfs and sculpted flower for BMG Poison Ivy.

Both of these are still WIP, but are showing their forms in a way that warranted taking a picture. 

This war machine is Volcano Cannon, a giant flame thrower. I'm envisioning it more of a flame spurter, firing a big blob of napalm rather than a steady stream of petrol. 
The weapon itself is huge too, towering over every regular cannon in the game. I've always thought the evil dwarfs doing their weapons powerful, noisy and comically large.

I've taken some inspiration from the Forge World versions when making the carriage, although this is much smaller and barely fits on a 80mm round base (should be 75mm, but I'm cheating a bit). It is made from different profile styrene rods and textured sheets; self made rivets and few other unnameable bits. 
The gun is pretty recognizable, it's from GW 40k building terrain set, and the rack is from an old sci-fi chemical plant terrain set, as is the control panel on the right.
Wheels are Kromlech artillery wheels.

Note that I've tried to inject some realism to this thing. On the left side of the cannon there is funnel the loader can shovel the fuel in, and below the weapon there are gears so that it can swivel around. I still need to have some belt going from the gears below the control panel.

Left side of the carriage will be for the loader who'll have a big vat of the napalm stuff.

The gun and the crew platforms are magnetized so that I don't need to do so all the variations of the war machines I'll be using.

I've decided to take on a single small Batman Miniature Game gang. I don't much care for anything DC or the real scale miniatures the game has, but I bent under the pressure - of everyone around me playing the game - to check it out. Thus this project will be much more experimental than my normal ones.

I love my wood elf stuff and most nature-y stuff in fantasy, so I decided to go with Poison Ivy. The other reason being that I wanted to try to sculpting more non-humans.

The plant above is the Plant Slave #2. It has limited poison spit ability and it detects invisible enemies near it. I'm basing all of my designs on real life carnivorous plants rather than the fantasy ones, and this bulbous thing seemed to fit the bill the most.
I'm adding another one of those bulbs to represent that it only has two shots of poison, and to make it seem more a flourishing plant rather than just a unit in a game.

What I'm thinking of ending up with is:
Ivy herself (bought, not sculpted)
Swamp Thing (also bought)
Borj (a weird special plant)
2x of each plant slave (6 in total)

keskiviikko 26. syyskuuta 2018

Board game inserts

I've been making some custom board game inserts. I love thinking how to make the setup easier, how to save up the most space, and have all the expansions to go along while at it. 
This Mysterium insert was supposed to be only have the box for the ghost card deck, which is the only one needed after setup. But as it turned out, the box was so well suited that I decided to make them for all of the cards.

Pictured below are also Terra Mystica (which isn't that much of a hassle to setup) and Caverna (which is a HUGE hassle to setup), which I've made some time ago.

Mysterium packed.

Mysterium, the clock turn counter is partly glued.

Mysterium, all the boxes.
Mysterium, dual layer box.

Terra Mystica, favor and city tiles in order.

Terra Mystica, tokens exploded.

Caverna packed.

Caverna, all inserts.

keskiviikko 19. syyskuuta 2018

Infernal Dwarf Taurukh

A picture of Taurukh. It's made of Mantic bull body, old GW one-poser top, a bit of brass, and a Russian Alternative weapon. All it needs is a shield and a coat of varnish.

perjantai 27. heinäkuuta 2018

Bits and Bobs and Pics #3

Seems that I have two different tiers of doing stuff. One is at home, and one is at work, during breaks.
I've not done anything worthwhile at home, but the stuff (of blue and brown variety) I've done at work do actually get finished.

I recently bought a few resin forest type bases, and a bunch of Blue Stuff for the specific reason of cloning the elements on those ready-made bases and doing my own.

These things came out so good, that I made a bunch more Blue Stuff molds. And at the end of the day I ordered myself a big pack of the stuff. 48 bars to be exact.
I've had so much fun stamping Brown Stuff to these molds that I'm almost out of that thing too!

Too bad that I can't be bothered to do any miniature stuff at home. A lot of Evil Dwarfs are waiting their layers of paint.

torstai 31. toukokuuta 2018

Disciplines of Lugar

Coal black demonic dwarfs smoldering with fire and hatred of their god of bureaucracy.

Still in need of base trimming and varnish.

keskiviikko 16. toukokuuta 2018

Summer Is Here And So Is My Motivation

Now that the sun is up most of the time and I've absorbed its energy, I'm itching to get miniatures done!
Below are some bases for my Chaos Dwarfs and a hand for my Treeman. I've also finished three more Lugars already, but only took an embarrassingly bad phone photo. Better picture will soon to follow. Also next up will be at least one Taurukh (Bull Centaur).

Another movement tray is done, and a couple of more detailed bases.
The bases I have now are pretty dull in comparison so I hope I can spice their look with the new ones. Some elevation and more color goes a long way.
Bases - like everything else - are painted as simple as possible: Brown undercoat, Agrellan Earth crackling paint on top, drybrush with Tyran Skull, and wash with Strong Tone, that's it.
The rust is done by lightly brushing Gun Metal over the undercoat, and then applying multiple layers of Modelmates Rust Paint.

The Treeman hand is almost done, just glue the claws and fill the gaps between fingers.

torstai 3. toukokuuta 2018

Bits and Bobs and Pics #2

I'm starting to get ready to paint some minis again. Before that, have a small assortment of pictures.

Treeman elbow.

Treeman again.

Treeman knee. (I think I should add an arrow...)

Additional Treeman details. I'm planning of doing a simple mold out of them soon.

Infernal Engine front is pretty much ready.
And this last picture moves.

perjantai 9. maaliskuuta 2018

Bits and Bobs and Pics

Hello again! I've been absent for some time now, and unfortunately I've not get anything ready.

Only things that have seen some progress are random sculpts. I've been taking pictures along the way to share with friends, and now I paste them here in random order.

Shield motif for my Immortals.

Tomb Kings plastic shield that was perfect size for the dwarfs.

Backside WIP.

Skull head for my Infernal Engine.

Trying to get the beard right in Photoshop.

More Infernal Engine.

It will have a voice! 

Bolts and nuts for artillery and such.

Franken-taur made of Mantic lower half, 90's GW upper half, Russian Alternative weapon, and some gray stuff to mask the seams.

Backstabber Hobgoblin. Skaven Plague Monk body and Night Goblin head with self made weapons.

More heads for Hobgoblins.

Photoshopped this guy to run as a candidate for my Kadim Incarnates.