perjantai 17. lokakuuta 2014

The history of car game in pictures

Got inspired to post some car game stuff as I'm preparing to go to the hardware store to pick up some more stuff for it.

The Start. My tiny notepaper stuff I used to make my proto table.
The asterisks show which ones were the final ones. I had like a deck of different ones drawn.

These are what the game is actually being played on right now, the proto table.
I intent to make the boards two sided and carve them in foam board, and make it as visual as I can.
Bought some classic (muscle) car miniatures from ebay and made molds. Those things don't come cheap, doubly so when you want to have like 10+ cars in it.
Keen eyes can spy some air bubble in the mold, fortunately they were in a spot that doesn't show.
First cast in two part resin, air bubbles a plenty! This was my first cast ever with the stuff so I hope to rid some bubbles going forward.
Overall I'm really pleased how these turned out, especially how well the silicone kept the detail.
First time here too! I tried to make rust with a help of salt (as is evident by the single grain stuck in the mini). This one is still work-in-progress. I use the car miniatures to try out new stuff that I do not want to try on any "real" miniature.
Also, these things are like 2 cm long, or 4/5 of an inch. (I love my old-ass camera's macro!)

That's what I got for now. Maybe next time we'll see more paint and perhaps some crafted tracks. 

Rules are the thing I'm not really comfortable sharing here, as the ideas in it are not fully mine (and the thing is not even ready yet). Not that I fear of getting a infringement letter (as ideas can't be copyrighted), but just out of respect for Asmodee.

tiistai 14. lokakuuta 2014

Print and play stuff goes here

This post will include the stuff needed to play the game, whenever I get it up to shape.

Skill cards - Updated Oct.10.-14
Cards with art at the front, printer friendly ones at the back.

Skills of the trade

Got rid of the script font due feedback, it's much more readable now.

I got my skill cards rewritten now and only had to remove a few that were now obsolete. Leaving me at 27 skill cards, and I need a few more specific ones for the more powerful weapon types.

The new skills are pretty much in the format as shown on the new Booze Hound. Almost every card has a passive and active skills which the other makes your character generally better in something (in this case you find more booze, which is a rare and powerful loot), and the other better with a specific stuff (the booze affects you better than others). The Booze Hound is actually pretty bad at showcasing my new skills, but that was one of the few I bothered to rewrite the fluff text at the bottom.

The card art is a placeholder and a stark contrast to the enemy cards at my previous post, both in overall color and the quality. Now that I've shuffled all of the cards, soaking it in, I kinda like the mismatch of the arts. You absolutely can not mistake the enemy cards as something beneficial to your character.

Speaking of the enemy cards. I've rewritten a whole bunch of them too to reflect the latest mechanical changes. Though they are not yet in a state to be shared as their "purify" options are not given that much thought yet.
The basic format for them is "effect" and "purify". Effect is of course the thing your character is afflicted with, like decrepify which slows your character down, and purify has the things need to be done to get rid of the curse, something like "receive a healing action", "loot 3 Zombie corpses", "use Booze or Snake Oil".

For now I consider the skill cards "ready to play", though almost all of them are missing fluff texts and I haven't gone over them to fix the wording to be consistent (as I do not yet know should I say "+1 ROF" or "gain 1 additional attack") so it does correspond to intent behind it.

torstai 2. lokakuuta 2014

Art, motherfuckers!

Push button, receive artwork. Thanks Tony! (of the Bunker game fame

Art is not mine, a friend of mine made it. Though I take credit for fucking up the layers and misaligning the slime drips in process. Oops...